Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Introduction to this Course

    • Tips for Excelling in the Certificate in Licensing Digital Content

    • Assignments and Opportunities in the Certificate in Licensing Digital Content

    • Optional Assignment: Role-Playing as Licensor or Licensee

  • 02

    Before You Begin ...

    • Student Survey

    • Introduce Yourself in the DLC Community

  • 03

    Introduction to Digital Licensing

    • Beginning Your First eTutorial

    • Worksheet To Be Completed at the End of Each eTutorial

    • 1.0 Why Understanding Licensing Is Essential

    • 2.0 Key Licensing Concepts

    • Assignment: Create a Glossary of Licensing Terms

    • 3.0 Copyright, Contracts and Licensing Agreements

    • 4.0 Global Licensing Issues

    • 5.0 Why Each License is Unique

    • 6.0 Essential Steps Towards Your License Agreement

    • 7.0 Components of a Licensing Policy

    • 8.0 Ensuring Others Legally Use Content Under Your Licenses

    • 9.0 Debunking Licensing Misconceptions

    • 10.0 Digital Licensing Questions and Answers

    • Introduction to Digital Licensing Quiz

    • Further Information Summary

  • 04

    Assignment: Action Points and Favorite Resources

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 05

    Visit the DLC Community

    • Reminder to Visit the DLC Community

  • 06

    Check-In With Your Instructor

    • Questions or Concerns?

  • 07

    Digital Licensing Terms and Conditions

    • Checklist: Digital License Terms & Conditions

    • 1.0 Definitional Clauses

    • Assignment: Your Most Important Licensing Terms

    • 2.0 Rights Granted

    • 3.0 Sublicenses, Interlibrary Loan and Fair Use

    • 4.0 Usage and Usage Restrictions

    • 5.0 License Fees and Pricing Models

    • 6.0 Licensor Obligations

    • 7.0 Licensee Obligations

    • Reminder re Assignment: Create a Glossary of Licensing Terms

    • 8.0 Authorized Users, Territory and Ownership of Content

    • 9.0 Termination, Warranties and Indemnities

    • 10.0 Boilerplate Clauses, Part I

    • 11.0 Boilerplate Clauses, Part II and Best Practices

    • Further Information Summary

    • Assignment: Your Most Important Licensing Terms

    • Digital Licensing Terms and Conditions Quiz

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 08

    Check-in With Your Instructor

    • Questions or Concerns?

  • 09

    Negotiating and Managing Digital Licenses

    • 1.0 The Meaning of Negotiation

    • 2.0 A Mindful Approach to Negotiation

    • 3.0 Preparing for Negotiations

    • 4.0 During the Negotiations

    • 5.0 License Format and Administration

    • 6.0 Future-Looking Licenses

    • 7.0 Managing Your Licenses

    • Assignment: Create a License Database

    • 8.0 Negotiating and Managing Licenses Q&A

    • 9.0 Best Practices for Negotiating and Managing Digital Licenses

    • Optional Assignment: Role-Playing as Licensor or Licensee — Submit a Summary of Your License Negotiations

    • Further Information Summary

    • Negotiating and Managing Digital Licenses Quiz

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 10

    Final Reminder to Post and Read Postings on the DLC Community

    • Final Reminder to Visit the DLC Community

  • 11

    Submit Your Glossary of License Terms

    • Submit Your Glossary of Licensing Terms

  • 12

    Practical Project

    • Practical Project Assignment

  • 13

    Final Assignment

    • Moving Ahead Worksheet

  • 14

    Final Quiz

    • Completing the Final Quiz

    • Graded Quiz

  • 15

    Course Evaluation

    • Evaluation and Listing of Graduates

  • 16

    Next Steps

    • Certificate and Thank You!