Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Introduction to the Copyright Leadership Certificate

    • Tips for Excelling in the Copyright Leadership Certificate

    • Assignments and Opportunities in the Copyright Leadership Certificate

    • Sign Up For a Copyright Buddy!

  • 02

    Before You Begin ...

    • Introduce Yourself in the CLC Community

    • Student Survey

  • 03

    Assignment: Defining Your Role in Copyright Management

    • Your Role Vis-à-Vis Copyright Management

  • 04

    First eTutorial: U.S. Copyright Law

    • Beginning Your First eTutorial

    • Worksheet To Be Completed at the End of Each eTutorial

    • 1.0 Copyright and Intellectual Property

    • 2.0 International Copyright in the U.S. Context

    • 3.0 Works Protected by Copyright

    • 4.0 Registration and Copyright Notices

    • Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices

    • The New Group Registration Application for Short Online Literary Works

    • 5.0 Ownership and Duration of Rights

    • What is the Public Domain?

    • 6.0 Protected Rights and Their Exploitation

    • The USCO's Perspective on Moral Rights in the U.S.

    • 7.0 Limitations on Rights

    • An Overview of Fair Use

    • Using the USCO Fair Use Index

    • Tool: Fair Use Cheat Sheet

    • 8.0 Copyright Infringement

    • Can I Use It?

    • 9.0 Legally Using Copyright-Protected Materials

    • Tool: How to Read the U.S. Copyright Act

    • Reading the U.S. Copyright Act

    • Further Information Summary

    • U.S. Copyright Law Quiz

  • 05

    Assignment: Action Points and Favorite Resources

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 06

    Topics to Discuss With Your Copyright Buddy

    • Ideas for Topics to Discuss With Your Copyright Buddy

  • 07

    Visit Our Online Community

    • Reminder to Visit the CLC Community

  • 08

    Check-In With Your Instructor

    • Questions or Concerns?

  • 09

    Second eTutorial: Legally Using Images

    • 1.0 Images and Copyright Protection

    • 2.0 Understanding Permissions and Licensing

    • 3.0 The Public Domain and Orphan Works

    • 4.0 Identifying When Permission is Required

    • 5.0 The Permissions Process

    • 6.0 Obtaining Permissions

    • 7.0 Complying with Nonnegotiable Licenses

    • 8.0 Practical Applications and FAQs

    • 9.0 Best Practices for Legally Using Images

    • Further Information Summary

    • Tool: How to Obtain Permission To Use Digital and Online Content

    • Assignment: Legally Using Third-Party Images in a Presentation

    • Legally Using Images Quiz

  • 10

    Assignment: Action Points and Favourite Resources

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 11

    Leading Copyright Issues

    • Tips for Managing Copyright Issues

    • Tool: Ten Rules for an Effective Copyright Leader

  • 12

    Third eTutorial: Practical International Copyright Law

    • 1.0 The Role of International Copyright Law

    • 2.0 Copyright Laws in Different Countries

    • 3.0 Minimum International Requirements

    • 4.0 A Summary of Major Copyright Treaties

    • 5.0 Worldwide Exploitation of Rights

    • 6.0 Best Practices for Obtaining Global Permissions

    • 7.0 Practical Applications

    • Further Information Summary

    • Assignment: Country Comparison

    • Practical International Copyright Law Quiz

    • Tool: Essential Steps for Analyzing Global Copyright Issues

  • 13

    Assignment: Action Points and Favourite Resources

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 14

    Assignment: Copyright Diary

    • How to Keep a Copyright Diary

    • Worksheet for Your Copyright Diary

  • 15

    Check-In With Your Instructor

    • Questions or Concerns?

  • 16

    Fourth eTutorial: Digital Copyright Management

    • 1.0 Understanding Digital Content

    • 2.0 Copyright Law and Digital Content

    • 3.0 Specific Digital Copyright Issues

    • Using Copyright-Protected Content from the Internet

    • 4.0 The Relevance of International Copyright Law

    • 5.0 Understanding E-Rights and Licensing

    • 6.0 How to License Digital Content

    • 7.0 Licensing Content: Licensing Clauses

    • 8.0 Licensing Content: Standard Clauses

    • 9.0 Monitoring Legal Uses of Licensed Digital Content

    • 10.0 Organizing Your Digital Content

    • Assignment: Create a License or Permissions Tracker

    • 11.0 Planning for the Future of Digital Content

    • 12.0 Practical Applications

    • Tool: Tips for Negotiating Permissions for Using Content in a Digital Format

    • Further Information Summary

    • Digital Copyright Management Quiz

  • 17

    Assignment: Action Points and Favorite Resources

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 18

    Assignment: Practical Project

    • Practical Project Assignment

  • 19

    Fifth eTutorial: Managing Copyright Issues

    • What Does Copyright Management Mean to You?

    • Moving Ahead With Your Copyright Issues

    • 1.0 Why Manage Your Copyright Issues?

    • 2.0 Centralizing Copyright

    • 3.0 Understanding Copyright Principles

    • 4.0 Copyright in the Global Context

    • 5.0 Working With Digital Copyright Issues

    • 6.0 Valuing Copyright

    • 7.0 Permissions Procedures

    • 8.0 Copyright Risk Management

    • Quiz: Thinking About Your Copyright Risks

    • 9.0 Negotiating Permissions and Licenses

    • Tool: Assessing Your Copyright Risks

    • 10.0 Developing A Copyright Compliance Document

    • 11.0 Protecting and Monetizing Your Copyrights

    • 12.0 Evaluating a Copyright Infringement Claim

    • 13.0 Copyright Education

    • 14.0 Managing Copyright Checklist

    • How Not to Document Copyright Issues

    • Further Information Summary

    • Managing Copyright Issues Quiz

  • 20

    Assignment: Action Points and Favorite Resources

    • Reminder to Complete End of eTutorial Worksheet

  • 21

    Feedback on the Copyright Diary Assignment

    • Submit Feedback on the Copyright Diary Assignment

  • 22

    Final Assignment: Moving Ahead Worksheet

    • Moving Ahead Worksheet

  • 23

    Final Quiz

    • Completing the Final Quiz

    • Graded Final Quiz

  • 24

    Completion Survey and Obtain Your Certificate Plaque!

    • Evaluation, Listing of Graduates and Your Certificate Plaque

  • 25

    Next Steps

    • Certificate and Thank You!